Nataša Vrapčević
Nataša works in preschool institution “Naša radost” for more than 20 years. She graduated from Teacher’s Faculty in Sombor in 2000 and from Teacher’s Faculty in Belgrade in 2018. She is etwinning ambassador of Serbia, Teach SDGs ambassador, EU Climate Pact ambassador, National Geographic certified educator, MIEE Expert, trainer of new preschool curriculum in Serbia. She has many published articles on international conferences, she is coauthor of guide for preschool teachers, author of 14 TV shows for children, author of two books for children, author of musical compositions for children, author of two accredited seminaries, author of online Moodle course “STEAM method”.
Nataša and her colleague will present good practice from international and global project realized in preschool institution “Naša radost” in last two years. These projects are : “Global Goals Project”, “Climate Action Project”, “Explorers challenge educators”, etwinning projects, iEARN projects, “Earth Day Project”.