Olivera Simić
Olivera Simic, born on September 6, 1990 in Loznica, is currently at the doctoral level of study at the Faculty of Education in Belgrade. She has earned the academic title of Doctor of Science in Teaching Methodology for Primary School Education (Mathematics Teaching Methodology) on December 24, 2020. She is the author and co-author of several scientific, review, and professional papers in the field of mathematics teaching methodology, inclusion, and giftedness. She has participated and presented at numerous scientific conferences and symposiums. Since 2013, she has been employed as a math teacher at the “Borivoje Ž. Milojević” primary school in Krupanj. She serves as a coordinator of the Inclusive Education Team and as a school coordinator for the ongoing project “We Learn Together,” which is being conducted by the Ministry of Education in collaboration with UNICEF. She has completed training on “Improving Interdisciplinary Committees in the Process of Assessing the Needs for Additional Support for Children, Students, and Adults” from November 30 to December 2, 2022.